A variety of 2-4 hour workshops are available on topics such as:
- Introduction to Positive Discipline
- Emotions and the Art of Communication
- Children Do Better When They Feel Better: The Role of Encouragement in Parenting
- Reducing Power Struggles and Creating Peace in the Home
- Handling Sibling Rivalry
- Enhancing Children’s Self-Esteem
- Creating Cooperative Families
- Effective Parent-Child Communication
- Eating, Sleeping and Toileting- How to Encourage Cooperation
- Resiliency: Making Mistakes and How to Recover From Them
One day Positive Discipline hands-on and interactive workshops (6-8 hours) which give an introduction to the main principles of Positive Discipline are also available, tailored to the needs of each parenting group (expectant parents and parents of children ages 0-3, preschool parents, elementary parents, and general parenting overview). Some possible topics include:
- Long-term parenting and the role of kindness and firmness in raising children who are responsible, respectful and resourceful
- Age-appropriateness and how to teach and empower
- How to nurture your child’s growing brain
- “I can do it!”- how to encourage initiative and discourage manipulation
- Ways to minimize sibling rivalry
- Methods to reduce power struggles and create more peace in the home
- How to minimize bedtime and morning hassles and the role of routine charts
- The difference between enabling vs. empowering
- Emotions and the art of communication
- The importance of building children’s “disappointment muscles” and nurturing resiliency
- The difference between praise and encouragement
- The messages of misbehavior and how to break the code
- The importance of focusing on solutions instead of punishment
- Natural and logical consequences
- How to establish family meetings and the importance of joint problem-solving
- Ways to aid your child in the development of social skills
- Resources and support for nurturing a healthy and united family
- Ways to be more effective as a parent and have fun in the process
- 52 non-punitive, mutually respectful parenting tools that invite cooperation

Please contact Julie Iraninejad, M.Ed. at julie@parentingforabetterworld.org to schedule a workshop in your area.